
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Things To Avoid When Choosing Your Aftershave

Things To Avoid When Choosing Your Aftershave
Author: SemiChem

If you’re planning the big night out, then there are many things to consider: the clothes (shirt and jeans? Shirt and trousers? Full suit?), the hair (never overdo the hair gel!) and certainly the location (we do not care how cheap it is, stay away from the student bar). When it comes to that vital final touch, however, there are few things quite as important as choosing the right aftershave to top off that perfect outfit. So, how should you go about choosing the right aftershave? Well, we know that these are things we would avoid:

Avoid department stores. Whilst they might stock a decent amount of different fragrances, there are definite reasons to avoid a department store when it comes to finding that perfect aftershave. Firstly, there will be such a large amount of different smells eminating from the different departments that it’ll be virtually impossible to make a truly informed decision regarding which one you like the most. Also, unlike a specialist boutique the staff will probably be unable to offer you particular advice, meaning that you’ll be left essentially to your own judgement. This is fine if you’re confident, but if you’d prefer to have someone answer any questions you might have, stay away from the department stores.

Do not try too many at once. This is a biggie. One of the biggest mistakes that you can make whilst choosing the right perfume is to try out five or six in one session. Once you have tried out two or so, your sense of smell will inevitably become confused between them, and you’ll be unable to distinguish which ones are which, leaving you no better prepared to make your choice than you were when you started! Stick to only trying one or two, and then come back on a different day.

Do not rush it. Let’s get this straight: the right cologne will do wonders for your chance of impressing the ladies. Picture the scene: it’s one o clock in the morning, and you’re burning up the dancefloor with some moves that would make Michael Flatley weep. The hottie in the corner notices, and makes her way out to join you, leans in and…oh, she’s off. She’s off because she got a noseful of that fragrance you grabbed in a hurry in Tesco and didn’t bother to try out. Do not be a fool: if you know you’ve got a big night out coming, shop for your scent well in advance, giving you the time to get exactly the one you want, and the one that won’t send the girl running.

Spray them in the right places. What many people do not understand about trying aftershave is that your own skin will have an impact on the fragrance. That’s why it’s important to spray them onto the pulse areas: behind your ear, on the wrist, etc. This is where the skin is at it’s warmest, and where the fragrance is most likely to react with your own smells, so ensure that you try whatever scent you’re looking for out using this method – otherwise you might end up with some unpleasant smells on the night!

About the Author:- Jonnie B. Allen is writing articles for SemiSchem. The Semichem offers a great selection of fashionable and affordable beauty products, ranging from fragrances and cosmetics to skin, designer fragrances and hair care.

Image source: Google

Post Title Things To Avoid When Choosing Your Aftershave